Thoughts So Far: Waverley

We've begun our first novel for the course, Waverly by Sir Walter Scott. This covers the Scottish representation of literature, and it features many important historical figures and events, such as the Jacobian uprising. To better understand the plot of the novel, we examined a complex web of royal families and their connections. It's possible that Waverly is a commentary on the relationship between England and Scotland. Readers are introduced to protagonist Edward Waverley, an unusual character who immediately strikes me as absent minded. To be fair to Edward, he has his reasons for being slightly odd. His father and uncle have a tumultuous relationship due to their views on the uprising. Richard Waverly is a classic Whig, while uncle Everard sides with the Jacobites. In classic sibling fashion, the brothers are petty and refuse to let one or the other own the estate, which results in a split ownership. Edward spends time going back and forth between his uncle...