How Does Sarah Feel About Flying? (Window Seat Photos)

Prior to our study abroad trip, I had a few experiences with airplanes. We flew to Florida as a family when I was fairly young. I was four or five years old if I remember correctly. The airplane trip is a blurry memory at this point. My aunt and uncle lived in Houston, Texas for many years during my childhood, and they also spent a few years in Dallas. We flew to visit them a few times during summer vacation. My farthest airplan trip was meeting up with dad in Ireland, which I breifly mentioned in my introduction post. I have some pretty clear memories of that long flight. My sister and I were seven and nine years old, so it was already one of our first trips out of Pennsylvania/Ohio. My mom says Kathleen and I had just fallen asleep when we were preparing for landing. The time change was hard on all of us, but I think we handled the plane well! (Left Photo: departing from Ireland on our last day. I love how lush and green everything looks!) When preparing for...