Memories of Edinburgh


            I can't stop reflecting on the few days we spent in Edinburgh, Scotland! The whole Fashion and Fiction trip was exciting and extremely memorable. Our first stop has left the most significant impression on me. Edinburgh felt surreal at times. Everywhere we looked, the views were stunning and the architecture was gorgeous. It felt like a historical city and a modern city all wrapped up in one. Our hotel was quaint and unique but very lovely! We even walked the Royal Mile with a tour guide. It was not entirely effortless, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been! Edinburgh Castle at the end of the Royal Mile was also an amazing experience. 

    Of course, lots of us in Dr. Reed's class found many Waverly references around the city. We stumbled upon Waverly Bridge on accident during one of our free days. Waverly Station was another major attraction. On another free day, we saw Greyfriar's Bobby and ate at a nearby restaurant. Many of the places nearby claimed to be the one that Bobby came to frequently. It was hard to pet his nose because he was sat up a lot higher than expected! 

Overall, Edinburgh was a gorgeous city. There is almost too much to talk about! There was so much to take in visually as well as culturally. The food was different, but honestly everything was wonderful. The hotel was also quirky, but I loved every moment there! I would definitely go back to Scotland. 


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